wxPython has been released. Details are found
here, and the download page is
An interesting thing about this release is that I made the build,
uploaded about a gig's worth of installers and packages, and everything
else that goes into making a release, all while being out of town and
away from the machines doing all the work. I was able to make all the
final tests and adjustments on my new Mac, using
VMware Fusion for the Windows and
Linux specific work, and then used
Mercurial over an ssh tunnel
to push my changes back home to my master build and release machine. The
next part was easy, since I have been doing mostly automated builds for
a few years now. I just start it going via a ssh login and then checked
on it a few hours later from the hotel to see if it's done. At that
point things started to get a little tricky, mainly because I usually do
the rest of the release process by hand and in person. Since the full
build is about a gigabyte of binaries I transfered just a few of them to
my local machine for testing, and then I had to deal with uploading
remotely from the build machine to
SourceForge and our
APT repository, all while I had a flaky
wireless connection here and while attending various meetings. Then I
realized that the software I usually use for editing the website is only
installed on a machine at home. Well anyway, I muddled through and
managed to get it done, and now I know where my release process could
use a bit more streamlining and automation...